Jayme Markus Lomography

jayme markus lomography

Roll 6: It's Story

As you may quickly take notice of, this group of photographs is actually made up of two different rolls of film. One of color, and the other of black and white. Both rolls were taken during a snow filled period - of which brief freedom from work was had due to the Holidays. The color stricken roll captures my family's tradition of taking a stroll up my grandfathers vacant cabin, that sits atop a large (often muddy) hill.  The cabin and farm property is used annually for the community's Civil War Reenactment.  The hoop skirts and gun powder envelop the hill to create quite a sight.

This black and white roll taught me my first dramatic lesson; light is key. It's even more than key. And I say this because most of this roll was bitterly lost due to my ignorance of "indoor" shooting.  However, the ones that survived I have fallen in love with. From the harsh contrast you see with the piano man all the way to the soft dancing of holiday lights in St. Paul.