Jayme Markus Lomography

jayme markus lomography


I'd like to let you in a little bit about myself.

Well, my name is Jayme:

I am from Wisconsin, and now reside in the city of Minneapolis. I must admit that deciding to create a portfolio was a spontaneous thing for me. I am still only beginning to tap into lomography, but it felt right to create a "home" for the film that I have. And so, here we are. 


I used to not like how my name was spelled; I remember in preschool writing it differently in finger paint.  Avoiding the chunks in yogurt is something I have always done.  I feel the loneliest when I am carrying groceries or killing a bug, by myself. 

And the sound of birds makes me sad and happy, all at once.

Lomography Photos:

The photos that I take are with a Holga or a Diana camera.  The term "lomography" is paired with these cameras and it is the term for an approach to photography that emphasizes casual snapshots, and often result in unusual color saturations, overlapping images, blurriness; happy film accidents. Ironically it was during a digital, not film, photography course in college that I used a Holga for the first time. It was one of those classes that one takes because you are hopeful it will raise a stubborn GPA, and in my case, also take my mind off of the Philosophy minor I attempted.  Long story short, the course did not raise my GPA and my Philosophy minor became no more. However, a captivation for this bulky, plastic, film camera was born. 

And I remain increasingly captivated.

Feel free to take many, many ganders through these rolls of film and their stories. If you feel called to make one of them yours for your very own (or for a friend), please feel free to check out the Order Form page. 

All the very best,
